Cut off voice lines have been discovered Elden Ring DLC The final boss of Shadows of Erdtree.
A dataminer discovered these lines in the game’s internal files while comparing English and Japanese dialogue and shared it on Reddit.
These lines themselves don’t offer any revolutionary insight, but cutting these lines out is certainly an interesting decision. Major spoilers for the final boss are ahead,
The lines in question belong to the DLC’s final boss, Radahn, who is completely mute in the final game.
The three lines are: “I am Radan”, “born of the red-haired Radagon and Renala of the full moon”, and “a lion raised for battle”.
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Of course, we already know who Radahn is, so this doesn’t add any depth to her character. But the decision to remove the lines has to do with her relationship with Miquela.
It may seem odd that Radahan is silent, but my own interpretation is that – as Miquela’s promised companion – she is essentially Miquela’s voiceless puppet. After all, this is the Land of Shadows and a separate area from the base game where the player has already defeated Radahan.
Radahn speaking out would have allowed her to break away from Miquela’s “brainwashing,” as mentioned in a popular fan theory. Game Rant I give suggestions.
In addition, the item description for the Lord and Lord’s Remembrance obtained after defeating Radahn and Miquela states that Miquela saw Radahn’s “strength and his kindness”. Radahn’s roaring that he is “a lion raised for war” would have undermined this.
Have you finished Shadow of the Aardtree? What do you think of the final boss?
Many players have criticized the DLC for its high difficulty, but FromSoftware has made the challenge easier in subsequent patches. Last week Shadow Realm Blessing balance revisedwhile tomorrow Changed some bosses to make them easier,