Monster hit Palworld has not yet received any formal legal threats from Nintendo or The Pokémon Company, the game’s developer has confirmed, despite constant close comparisons between its creature designs.
The success of Palworld earlier this year – and its obvious similarities to Pokémon – After which The Pokémon Company issued a rare public statement in which it pledged to “investigate and take appropriate action against any acts that may infringe upon its intellectual property rights relating to Pokémon.”
But, while talking GamefilePalworld producer Takuro Mizobe said this threat was never considered behind the scenes.
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,[We heard] “Nothing,” Mizobe said. “Nintendo and the Pokémon Company haven’t said anything to us.”
In the same interview, Mizobe discussed how his career as a game developer began through a year-long training program supported by Nintendo. As a student in the program, Mizobe eventually helped launch a free downloadable game for the Nintendo DSi (a simple shooter called The Tentai Sho that was only launched in Japan, in which players were tasked with defending the Earth from impending meteorites).
When Mizobe was asked what he learned from working with Nintendo, he said, “I always think: it’s very hard to create new things.”
“In game development, of course, sometimes we have to do that, but, as far as possible, I try to avoid creating new things.”
Next up for Mizobe is to continue working on Palworld, which will be completed this week Get a new island and a PVP arena to exploreand the continued addition of more “Pals”. PlayStation 5 version of Palworld There’s been teasing along the way, too.
The Pokémon Company’s former chief legal officer Don McGowan, who worked at the company for 12 years, said earlier this year that He was “surprised” that Palworld had gotten “this far”,