Listen up, Tarnished – Elden Ring world-building author George R.R. Martin has given the strongest hint yet that the critically acclaimed game could be getting its own “feature film or TV” spin-off.

While Hidetaka Miyazaki has only hinted that he and FromSoftware would be open to a live-action adaptation, Martin goes just a little further courtesy of his The-Lady-Doth-Protest-Too-Much-I-Thinks protest that he recently shared on his Personal Blog,

Shadows of the Aardtree review – 40 hours in the lands of Shadows of the Elden Ring.Watch on YouTube

“Oh, and about those rumors you may have heard about a feature film or television series based on Elden Ring…” Martin wrote.

“I have nothing to say. Not a word, no, not a single thing, I don’t know anything, you never heard a word from me, mummy mummy mummy. What rumours?”

Is this solid proof that an Elden Ring movie or show is coming? Not one bit. But it’s hard to imagine someone as prolific and respected as George R.R. Martin not saying anything. Anything He wrote in his blog that he didn’t expect his fans to analyze and overanalyze him, so take from it whatever you want.

Sales of Elden Ring DLC ​​Shadows of the Aardtree reach 5 million worldwideWithin just three days of its release.

earlier this month, Elden Ring shipped 25 million unitsThis means that 20 percent of players have already returned to the DLC over the weekend.

“Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the many who have followed in the path left by Kindly Miquela,” FromSoft said in a celebratory social media post.

This morning we told you that a wise person Elden Ring DLC The player believes they have found a way to find enough Scadutry Fragment for reaching level 14 without facing a single boss,