You have to locate a Jar of Dirt in Fortnite to complete one of the Pirate Code One quests as part of the Cursed Sails limited-time event in Chapter 5 Season 3.
You then have to deliver the Jar of Dirt to Jack Sparrow once you collect the jar to complete this two-part quest and earn 5k XP, and Cursed Gold – the currency you need to unlock Pirates of the Caribbean rewards.
To help you get even more rewards in Fortnite, we’ve detailed exactly how to locate a Jar of Dirt below.
How to locate a Jar of Dirt in Fortnite
The Jar of Dirt in Fortnite is buried in the sand at the railroad tracks just south of the Nitrodrome. It’s right beside the chest that usually spawns at the end of the abandoned rail car.

Just go over to the jar once you find it and press the button to collect the jar. Your task doesn’t end there, however, as you have to now take the jar to Jack Sparrow, which we can help with in our Jack Sparrow location page.
Once you complete that second stage you’ll get Cursed Gold and 5k XP. Cursed Gold is a currency you need to unlock rewards on the Pirates of the Caribbean mini Battle Pass, so it’s worth accumulating as much as you can if you want some unique cosmetics!
For more help building-up your Cursed Gold stash, check out our pages on how to walk the plank, and how to get the Ship in a Bottle mythic.