How to repair Echoing Marche Detection Beacons in Wuthering Waves
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How to repair Echoing Marche Detection Beacons in Wuthering Waves

Repairing both Detection Beacons in Wuthering Waves is part of an early-game main story quest called Echoing Marche. When you investigate the first Beacon as part of this quest you’ll find some people trying to steal its parts, though your efforts to help them out of a tough situation aren’t accepted at first.

Eventually they’ll accept the help but the Wuthering Waves Detection Beacon will be left in a state of disrepair. Don’t worry, you won’t need to search around for parts to fix it but you will need to solve a couple of puzzles.

Without further ado, we’re here to show you how to repair the Echoing Marche Detection Beacons in Wuthering Waves.

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How to repair Echoing Marche Detection Beacons in Wuthering Waves

The first Echoing Marche Detection Beacon is the one you catch the trio of Exiles trying to strip for parts between Qichi Village and Tiderise Cliff.

To repair this beacon you need to connect the wires to the correct colours without overlapping them. Here is the first Detection Beacon puzzle solution:

wuthering waves echoing marche first detection beacon puzzle solution
Remember to connect the same colours together. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Kuro Games

Once you’ve repaired this one you need to head north to the point marked on the map between Qichi Village and the Rearguard Base.

wuthering waves echoing marche second detection beacon map location
Here’s the location of the second Detection Beacon. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Kuro Games

When you get here you’ll find that the Beacon is covered in thorns. Use the nearby Explosive Charge to destroy the Vine Trap and you’ll be able to interact with the Beacon safely.

As you did with the first one, to repair this beacon you need to connect the wires to the correct colours without overlapping them. Here is the second Detection Beacon puzzle solution:

wuthering waves echoing marche second detection beacon puzzle solution
Don’t overlap the wires! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Kuro Games

Now that you’ve repaired both Beacons you can continue the Echoing Marche main quest by heading to the Rearguard Base!

That’s it for now! If you’re looking for more Wuthering Waves help, check out our Cooking explainer or our page showing you how to use the Synthesizer. If it’s quests you’re stuck on, check out our Hidden Truth walkthrough or our page showing you how to turn the Electricity on.

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One thought on “How to repair Echoing Marche Detection Beacons in Wuthering Waves

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